Monday, August 08, 2005

Orange Haze

I really didn't want to get up this morning. I would have been perfectly content to simply sleep the day away, but unfortunately my alarm clock was very insistent that I wake up. I let it go off three times before I finally got up and then I had to rush to get ready for work. I knew right from the start that is was going to be one of those days. As the sun came up, we noticed something very odd about the sky. There was a huge cloud of sand hung in the sky, everything took on an orange-colored hue. I haven't seen anything like this since I arrived in May, and we've been through some pretty bad sandstorms already. The wind was blowing gently, providing a cool breeze. You could literally taste the sand that hung in the air and it was hard to breath. It was also very hard to see. About 1o feet was as far as you could see, and after that there was just orange haze. Around about 9am it started to burn off a bit, but the sun was still hidden by all the dust in the air which made the temperature outside surprisingly comfortable. (Then some more stuff happened that was rather unpleasant.)I knew I should've stayed in bed.


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