July 4th

I finally got a hold of some pictures from our 4th of July events. The guys from the stress tent organized several competitions and a fireworks show. I got to go to a few of the events including the fireworks. These guys put on little events every now and then for our moral, I try to go to as many as I can. A few nights ago they had karaoke, I missed that. On the regular schedule is movie night and stand up comedy night. Besides the fun events, they also have classes like anger management, stress management, relaxation techniques & sleep tips, and tobacco cessation. And the
y are also there when soldiers just need to talk. It's really a great resource to have in a place like this. When you walk in their tent, it's like you have instants buddies. They are always ready to talk or just hang out and watch movies. These people are great. There were so many times that I felt just really alone here. I'm not originally part of the 108th, or even the 48th BDE, and I didn't go to NTC. In fact, I just got transfered to the 108th right before we left and didn't meet any of the guys til we were on the plane. So I didn't have any friends here. But when I arrived at St. Michael's, I saw one of their flyers and then ran into one of their SGT's at lunch. A few days later I found myself in their tent hanging out and fe
eling a whole lot better.
The events held include a cookie-eating contest, relay race, water balloon toss, three-legged race, tank bar throw, tug of war, marksmanship competition, weight lifting, and a kick-ass fire works display put on by our very own EOD team. A little story about the fireworks display.....They made the homemade fireworks out of water bottles filled with diesel fuel and strung together with detonation cord. They must of had several hundred bottles out in that field. They lined them up on this farmers' field just outside of the gate. They got creative and spelled out "108" with the bottles. But as they were setting them up, a rocket or mortar was fired at them. It missed them, but it was pretty scary for them. The fireworks turned out well, they were very loud. They also blew 21 cases of
C4 as a kind of salute to us. It was great. There were about 20 or so guys all crowded around the gate to watch. A few even climbed on top of the conexs to get a better view but climbed down quickly when the entire thing shook from the blasts of the fireworks. It was definitely a memorable 4th of July.

The events held include a cookie-eating contest, relay race, water balloon toss, three-legged race, tank bar throw, tug of war, marksmanship competition, weight lifting, and a kick-ass fire works display put on by our very own EOD team. A little story about the fireworks display.....They made the homemade fireworks out of water bottles filled with diesel fuel and strung together with detonation cord. They must of had several hundred bottles out in that field. They lined them up on this farmers' field just outside of the gate. They got creative and spelled out "108" with the bottles. But as they were setting them up, a rocket or mortar was fired at them. It missed them, but it was pretty scary for them. The fireworks turned out well, they were very loud. They also blew 21 cases of

Hello. Thanks for sharing your blog on the AJC. My husband is there with you at Michaels. Spc. Mckenzie. I have really enjoyed reading your postings. I like seeing things that are going on where he is. He dosen't have much time to be on the computer, so I am living vicariously through your postings. If you know him, or see him, please tell him I said hello. I will keep up with your bolg... it is wonderful!! Well keep your head down and stay safe. Tell McKenzie the kids and myself say hello. Thanks again so much!!
Fellow National Guard Wife,
Melissa McKenzie
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