Friday, July 22, 2005

Iced Tea (desert style)


1 bottle of Abraaj bottled water (made in Kuwait, and imported to Iraq)
3 bags of Lipton tea (newly arrived at the PX)
25-35 bags of individual sugar packets (acquired from MRE's, chow hall, and Jimmy Dean packs)
1 bag of ice (acquired from ice truck behind chow hall)
1 mop bucket (for use as a cooler, found by the internet cafe')
1 scorching hot sun


Open bottle of water and shove bags of tea into the small opening without tearing the bags. Replace lid and place bottle on ground anywhere, it doesn't really matter, everywhere is hot. Leave in sun for about 30 minutes. Add desired number of sugar packets. Place bottle in mop bucket and cover with ice. After 30 minutes of cooling, drink and enjoy.

I got to enjoy REAL sweet tea for the first time since leaving the states. There's just nothing like iced tea sweetened with sugar, lemon tea just doesn't cut it. It's a bit of a process to make, but soooo worth it. I have a coffee maker now so it's not quite as involved. It's funny how much the little things we enjoy can brighten a whole day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your "iced tea" post. I am the wife of an infrantryman who is with the 48th in Iraq and one of the first things he asked me to send was stuff to make sweet tea! I sent him tea bags and a big container of sugar and a jar to brew it in (sun-tea style) so now he can have his "sweet" tea. As my granny said "You can take a person out of the South, but you can't take the South out of a person" and sweet tea is definitely a southern thing. Thanks for making me smile and think of my husband!

Saturday, July 23, 2005 7:28:00 AM  

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