I got married a little over a month before I deployed. That really seems to be the hardest part of this thing. Quite a few guys over here are recently married or have recently had new babies. It's really hard to be away from those we love. I can't count the number of times that I wish I was back home in his arms. It's what's keeping me going. Knowing that I have someone wonderful and supportive to come home to makes each day here a little easier. I love you Randy!
SPC Schreck
HHC 1-108th AR, 48th BDE
Wow, I have so much admiration for what you're doing over there. Please stay as safe as you can! Let us Scotties know if you need some care packages besides what your parents send you!
Courtenay Bird
Hey Lauren,
I saw your post on #FSO. Like Courtenay, I admire you as well. I cannot being to imagine what you are experiencing. Let us know if you or the people around you need anything.
Sarah Meng
I love you baby! can't wait for you to get back...
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