Monday, July 25, 2005


They found my missing package yesterday, it was from my mom. It was great. I got colored markers, art supplies, loreal face lotion w/ sunscreen, some favorite t-shirts of mine, shampoos, chapstick, and candy. My little sister also sent me her teddy bear to keep me company. I was soooo excited to open the box that opened it up right there in the mailroom. It's great getting stuff from home. All the stuff inside smells like home and you can see how they arranged the stuff inside. I had pink tissue paper in my box, it was pretty. Dinner was ok last night. I had chicken strips and mashed potatoes. The real treat was when they brought out the honeybuns. Those suckers went fast. They were the big ones and they were really good. I haven't had a honeybun in forever. It was a nice treat.
Today was really quiet, we had a communications blackout for a while. Those aren't good. We have a commo blackout every time someone's gets hurt very badly or killed. They do that so the family of that soldier doesn't hear the terrible news third party and with the facts all messed up. I hate commo blackouts. I was a little worried, because I didn't know what had happened and if my friends were okay or not. Turns out that it wasn't anyone from our unit. Some guys from another unit in the 48th BDE got hit. I'm not too sure on the all the details, but I do know that it was pretty bad. I f***ing hate IEDs.
The power went out again today, but only for a few hours so it wasn't too bad. I think one of the Port O Potties by the internet cafe' is leaking. There is a big pool of stagnant blue liquid out behind the back door. One of the LT's sent someone to check it out. It looks really nasty, but there didn't seem to be a smell, so maybe the Poo truck just spilled some of the chemical stuff when they cleaned them. That's it for now.

SPC Schreck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kinds of stuff do you want us to send you? Anything in particular?

Getting packages is fun--they make you feel special, and you are!

Take care,

Monday, July 25, 2005 10:18:00 PM  
Blogger Skullcrush3r said...

Hey Corey,
Thanks :D. I don't really need too much right now, just some entertainment. A few burned cds would be nice. It's really great to hear from you. How is your summer going so far and what classes are you taking this semester? I miss school so much! Have fun on your visit and take care.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any musical requests? I got some of about everything--love making cds.
Summer's almost over. In a couple of weeks I'll be taking a class in Shakespeare, a design class, a dance class, and History of American Film. Not too bad, eh? Want some educational books to make you feel like you're in school?? =)
Take care,

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:10:00 AM  
Blogger Skullcrush3r said...

Alternative rock and musicals. I'm actually registering for online classes on aug 4th w/Valencia. Very excited. Shakespeare sounds fun, Julius Ceasar is one of my favorites.

more construction?? figures. I've noticed that a lot of regions in the US are experiencing record highs this summer, it must suck. Cause the heat sure sucks here.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:57:00 AM  

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