Saturday, August 13, 2005

An email from SGT Kirchner

Just checkin out your blog, might remember me i used to be the co's driver, evaced to walter reed after getting blown up by mortar. anyway first one to walter reed,[another soldier] is here, he is doin well and is in VERY good spirits (left arm ampute). My surgeries are mostly complete and i will probably be seperated from the army due to my disabilities, [another soldier] will obviously be seperated out. here at walter reed us patients mostly fill out paperwork, va claims, etc. and sit around and try to joke about our injuries, the spirit and morale of the patients here is great, everyone tries like hell to keep a positive attitude and make the best of their situation. we trade drug cocktail recepies to figure out what works best for an arm amputaion or a major leg burn or nerve pain (chronic nerve pain seems to be the worst) and we all keep each others spirits up. please tell cpt moore that i now have a no salute profile as my rt. arm is pretty messed up, so he has the priviledge of being the last person i saluted. Tell everyone that they are not forgotten here the support from the people here at home is wonderful and helps to keep us driving through the pain. please let cpt moore also know i am going to be transfered to Ft. Macpherson in atlanta on monday the 15th of august. i am getting out of walter reed !!!!!! stay safe, WEAR YOUR BODY ARMOR AND KEVELAR, and let everyone know that i pray for all of all of you to return safely, i cringe daily when i watch the news and fear for the next person wounded or killed, i hope none of you ever makes it to reed and that none of you are hurt.

Sgt. Kirchner, James L
HHC 1/108th AR
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, DC

P.S. Please stop in at the Batt Aid station and see SFC Battaglia and 1LT Ray and let them know that i am doing well and that the aid I recieved at the aid station from the medics there made the difference between my life and death, and also the speed of my recovery which, by walter reed standards, has been remarkable. most soldiers here average a year stay, i was released in less than 3 months. I will always be indebted to the medic platoon.


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